For the item(s) above (and below) which are market-ready, the corresponding link(s) are live. The others listed, and several others not listed herein (which are still being finalized in our laboratories, or under process-streamlining by one of our Engineering teams, or in some other late stages of being made market-ready) -- the link(s) are not live yet. If you are interested, keep checking for these from time to time, or contact us by email.
Fire Prevention | Protection
FireLogic™Fire Retardant -- Inexpensive, Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly liquid treatment easily applied to render surfaces instantly Fire-Proof.
CarboStop™Pyro-phobic Fabric Treatment -- Inexpensive, Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly liquid treatment to render fabrics Fire-Proof; may be used to produce Fire-Proof clothing, etc.
Virus Protection
ViraStop™ -- Inexpensive, Non-Toxic, Eco-Friendly Anti-Microbial Formulae for
the Healthcare, Personal Hygiene and
PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) sectors.
WaterStop™-- Inexpensive, Non-Toxic, and Eco-Friendly Hydro-phobic Chemical treatment that prevents water and other liquids from permeating Fabric, including Paper, 'Tetra-pack' and other porous
and mesoporous structures, increasing their Re-usability / Recyclability / Re-purposeability to between 95%-100% (as opposed to 5%-10% today), thus saving users and producers very substantial amounts (on product acquisition and production), greatly reducing Cellulose consumption (which kills trees). WaterStop, like our other chemical products, is inexpensive and simple to mass-produce and apply.
SoundStop™ -- Specialized Anti-Radio-Wave and Sound-Wave-Repellant treatment, made specifically for SCIFs, Recording Studios, Recording Halls and other specialized environments, giving Decibel Reduction rates of up to 30%, and Radio and Electro-Magnetic Wave Mitigation from 10 Hz to 10,000 Hz, important for specialized applications / industries.
Hemp-based Products
HempLogic™ -- Hemp-derived Building Materials Tech.
Solar Cell / Panel Tech
SolarLogic™ -- Perovskite+Silicon-sandwiched Multi-Junction, Infra-red Photon-Multiplier Super-Hi-Yield Solar Panel Technology.
Power Storage
RevoBatt™ -- Sodium Ion Battery Technology -- better alternative to Lithium-based batteries. Superior to the tech from CATL, Faradion and others in the market so far.